
Saturday, January 19, 2008

Lady's visit...

21 days passed from the last post has been uploaded..., 19-th new year's day came already...
Time for some resume... It should be done - I wasn't being brave enough to tell myself how things are going before - I was just going with the stream without knowing to swim... It was funny sometimes, but not too much... Rest of the time it was terrible journey. So much people, who loved me, gone in to the better world. They saved me, but I didn't help them... I believe - that 12-years breaking circle fully completed forever and it is time to built some good boat ...

Step toward to it my Israel's cousin visit. We know each other more then 40 years... She came with husband and middle son, who never saw the winter, snow... He and his parents got it pretty much as well as me amenities of home life. I liked it so much! My cousin and her family too I guess ..:). It was incredible experience for each of us.

I didn't make much photos, because of reason - I enjoyed all that time. This is better year's finish and begining I ever had... after incomparable childhood, wich made me feel happy in life whatever is going on with me. I so gratefull to all who made it for me - I never forget it...

Lets take a look on to photos...

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